for the home, school and library. -- Cor - Fro. --
Stanford,Harold Melvin.(1875-)   -- Standard Education S -- [1923] -- 25 cm. -- 1 v. [unpaged]:illus., plates (part col., part double) ports., maps.


タイトル The Standard reference work Volume 3
副書名 for the home, school and library.
各巻タイトル Cor - Fro.
著者名等 Stanford,Harold Melvin.(1875-)  
出版 Standard Education S [1923]
大きさ等 25 cm. 1 v. [unpaged]:illus., plates (part col., part double) ports., maps.
分類 033
注記 OCLC:01594113-Volume 3
書誌番号 1195004128


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