by Patricia Craig.   -- Oxford University Press -- 1994. -- 23 cm. -- xv, 522 p.


タイトル The Oxford book of modern women’s stories.
著者名等 by Patricia Craig.  
出版 Oxford University Press 1994.
大きさ等 23 cm. xv, 522 p.
分類 933
注記 LCNo.94000657.
内容 Introduction -- Paul’s case / Willa Cather -- Afterward / Edith Wharton -- Hear the nightingale sing / Caroline Gordon -- Je ne parle pas francais / Katherine Mansfield -- Miss de Mannering of Asham / F.M. Mayor -- That tree / Katherine Anne Porter -- Look at all those roses / Elizabeth Bowen -- In a winter landscape / Olivia Manning -- The legacy / Virgi
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-19214232-0   0192142321
書誌番号 1195008424


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タイトル 著者名 ページ
Paul’s case Cather Willa.
Afterward Wharton Edith.
Hear the nightingale sing Gordon Caroline.
Je ne parle pas francai Mansfield Katherine.
Miss de Mannering of Asham Mayor F.M.
That tree Porter Katherine Ann
Look at all those roses Bowen Elizabeth.
In a winter landscape Manning Olivia.
The legacy Woolf Virginia.
First love Welty Eudora.
Is there a life beyond the gravy? Stevie Smith.
Yonder peasant, who is he? Mary McCarthy
Which new era would that be? Nadine Gordimer
The day Mr.Prescott died. Sylvia Plath
The day Stalin died. Doris Lessing
The blush. Elizabeth Taylor
An interest in life. Grace Paley
Uno. Christina Stead
The rehabilitation of Ginevra Leake. Hortense Calisher
The tea time of stouthearted ladies. Jean Stafford
The house of the famous poet Muriel Spark
Good country people. Flannery O’Connor
Heathy landscape with dormouse Sylvia Townsend Warner
Irish revel. Edna O’Brien
The butterfly and the traffic light. Cynthia Ozick
Scenes of passion and despair. Joyce Carol Oates
Something to tell the girls. Jane Gardam
A star and two girls. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
Overture and beginners please. Jean Rhys
Hair fewellery. Margaret Atwood
Puss-in-boots. Angela Carter
The terrors of basket weaving. Patricia Highsmith
The play reading. Elizabeth Jolley
In the great war. Fay Weldon
Victory over Japan. Ellen Gilchrist
On the day that E.M. Foster died. A.S. Byatt
A wife’s story. Bharati Mukherjee
A pair of tickets. Amy Tan
Meneseteung . Alice Munro
The prophecy. Anjana Appachana