by Iolo A.Williams.   -- Elkin Mathews & Marr -- 1927. -- 20 cm. -- 171 p.:diagrs.


タイトル The elements of book-collecting
著者名等 by Iolo A.Williams.  
出版 Elkin Mathews & Marr 1927.
大きさ等 20 cm. 171 p.:diagrs.
分類 024.9
注記 OCLC:01275731
内容 The pleasures and logic of book-collecting.--The sizes of books.--The parts of a book.--Books perfect and imperfect.--Issues and editions.--How to describe a book.--The formation of a collection.--Modern first editions.--A few suggestions.--Some books of reference.
書誌番号 1195014508


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