by Elizabeth Goudge   -- Hodder and Stoughton -- 1967. -- 23 cm. -- 222 p.


タイトル A Christmas book.
著者名等 by Elizabeth Goudge  
出版 Hodder and Stoughton 1967.
大きさ等 23 cm. 222 p.
分類 933
注記 Subject : Christmas - Fiction.
内容 Contents : Christmas in the cathedral (The Dean’s watch) -- Christmas on the moor. -- Christmas on the island (Island magic) -- Christmas at the inn(The herb of Grace) -- Christmas with the Elizabethans(Towers in the mist).-- Christmas with the children(The city of bells) -- Christmas with the three grey men(At the sign of the dolphin) -- Christmas in the village. -- Christmas with the angels(God so loved the world).
書誌番号 1196027721


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タイトル 著者名 ページ
Christmas in the cathedral (The Dean’s watch)
Christmas on the moor.
Christmas on the island (Island magic)
Christmas at the inn (The herb of Grace)
Christmas with the Elizabethans (Tower in the mist)
Christmas with the children (The city of bells)
Christmas with the three grey men (At the sign of the dolphin)
Christmas in the village.
Christmas with the angels (God so loved the world)