being an examination of the principles, on which it is proposed to restrict, whthin certain fixed limits, the future issues on credit of the Bank of England, and of the other banking establishments throughout the country -- 2nd ed., with corrections and additions. --
by John Fullarton.   -- John Murray -- 1845. -- 23 cm. -- xii, 253 p.


タイトル On the regulation of currencies
副書名 being an examination of the principles, on which it is proposed to restrict, whthin certain fixed limits, the future issues on credit of the Bank of England, and of the other banking establishments throughout the country
版情報 2nd ed., with corrections and additions.
著者名等 by John Fullarton.  
出版 John Murray 1845.
大きさ等 23 cm. xii, 253 p.
分類 338.233
注記 OCLC:3911608
書誌番号 1196061146


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