incorporating advances in plant pathology. --
edited by J.H. Andrews and I.C. Tommerup , series editor J.A. Callow. ,     -- Academic Press -- c1997. -- 24 cm. -- xxvi, 466 p.: ill.


タイトル Advances in botanical research 24 (1997)
副書名 incorporating advances in plant pathology.
著者名等 edited by J.H. Andrews and I.C. Tommerup , series editor J.A. Callow. ,    
出版 Academic Press c1997.
大きさ等 24 cm. xxvi, 466 p.: ill.
分類 470.8
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-12-005924-9   0-12-005924-X
書誌番号 1197011394


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中央 書庫 470.8/1/24(1997) 一般書 利用可 - 2010497984 iLisvirtual


タイトル 著者名 ページ
Contributions of population genetics to plant disease epidemiology and management. by M.G. Milgroom and W.E. Fry.
A molecular view through the looking glass: the pyrenopeziza brassicae-brassica interaction. by A.M. Ashby.
The balance and interplay between asexual and sexual reproduction in fungi. by M. Chamberlain and D.S. Ingram.
The role of leucine-rich repeat proteins in plant defences. by D.A. Jones and J.D.G. Jones.
Fungal life-styles and ecosystem dynamics: biological aspects of plant pathogens, plant endophytes and saprophytes. by R.J. Rodriguez and R.S. Redman.
Cellular interactions between plants and biotrophic fungal parasites. by M.C. Heath and D. Skalamera.
Symbiology of mouse-ear cress(arabidopsis thaliana) and oomycetes. by E.B. Holub and J.L. Beynon.
Use of monoclonal antibodies to detect, quantify and visualize fungi in soils. by F.M. Dewey, C.R. Thornton and C.A. Gilligan.
Function of fungal haustoria in epiphytic and endophytic infections. by P.T.N. Spencer-Phillips.
Towards an understanding of the population genetics of plant-colonizing bacteria. by B. Haubold and P.B. Painey.
Asexual sporulation in the oomycetes. by A.R. Hardham and G.J. Hyde.
Horizontal gene transfer in the rhizosphere: a curiosity or a driving force in evolution? by J. Wo¨stemeyer, A. Wo¨stemeyer and K. Voigt.
The origins of phytophthora species attacking legumes in Australia. by J.A.G. Irwin, A.R. Crawford and A. Drenth.