economical recipes designed to meet the needs of the modern housekeeper, including chapters on entertaining, fireless cookery, paper-bag cookery, chafing-dish cookery, casserole cookery, meat substitutes. --
by Helen Cramp.   -- John C. Winston Comp -- c1913. -- 21 cm. -- iv, 507 p.:col. front., illus., plates (part col.)


タイトル The Winston cook book, planned for a family of four
副書名 economical recipes designed to meet the needs of the modern housekeeper, including chapters on entertaining, fireless cookery, paper-bag cookery, chafing-dish cookery, casserole cookery, meat substitutes.
著者名等 by Helen Cramp.  
出版 John C. Winston Comp c1913.
大きさ等 21 cm. iv, 507 p.:col. front., illus., plates (part col.)
分類 596.23
注記 OCLC:3286009
書誌番号 1197065857


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