UNCRD proceedings series --
[Editor, Liqun Jia] ,   ,   ,   ,     -- United Nations Centr -- c1997. -- 26 cm. -- xi, 132 p. : ill., tables


タイトル Post-Habitat Ⅱ Action on International Co-operation and Partnership in the Asia-Pacific Region
シリーズ名 UNCRD proceedings series
著者名等 [Editor, Liqun Jia] ,   ,   ,   ,    
出版 United Nations Centr c1997.
大きさ等 26 cm. xi, 132 p. : ill., tables
分類 361.7
内容 proceedings of the Fukuoka Symposium on Post-Habitat Ⅱ Action on International Co-operation and Partnership in the Asia-Pacific Region, 20-21 February 1997, Fukuoka, Japan.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    4906236375
書誌番号 1199036135
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1199036135


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