proceedings of the IEA conference held in Varenna,Italy -- IEA conference volume --
edited by Luigi L.Pasinetti and Robert M.Solow. ,     -- St.Martin’s Press -- 1994. -- 23 cm. -- xx,388 p.: ill.


タイトル Economic growth and the structure of long‐term development
副書名 proceedings of the IEA conference held in Varenna,Italy
シリーズ名 IEA conference volume
著者名等 edited by Luigi L.Pasinetti and Robert M.Solow. ,    
出版 St.Martin’s Press 1994.
大きさ等 23 cm. xx,388 p.: ill.
分類 330
注記 LC:3013220
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0312121822
書誌番号 1199068323


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