commercially considered : the official brochure of the corporation of the city of Birmingham --
letterpress by L.W. Faulkner. ,     -- Corporation of the C -- c1928. -- 31 cm. -- 49, lxx p. : incl. illus., ports., tables. 4 pl., diagrs. (1 fold.)


タイトル Birmingham
副書名 commercially considered : the official brochure of the corporation of the city of Birmingham
著者名等 letterpress by L.W. Faulkner. ,    
出版 Corporation of the C c1928.
大きさ等 31 cm. 49, lxx p. : incl. illus., ports., tables. 4 pl., diagrs. (1 fold.)
分類 335.233
注記 LC:8276707
書誌番号 1102012265


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