
  • 叢書名

socioeconomic dimensions and implications for producers and rural areas -- Westview special studies in agriculture science and policy --
edited by Steve H. Murdock and F.Larry Leistritz. ,     -- Westview Press -- 1988. -- 23 cm. -- xvi, 205 p.


タイトル The farm financial crisis
副書名 socioeconomic dimensions and implications for producers and rural areas
シリーズ名 Westview special studies in agriculture science and policy
著者名等 edited by Steve H. Murdock and F.Larry Leistritz. ,    
出版 Westview Press 1988.
大きさ等 23 cm. xvi, 205 p.
分類 611
注記 LC:2407136
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0813371864
書誌番号 1101073367


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