making peace at the table and building healthy eating habits for life -- 1st paperback ed. --
editors,William H.Dietz,Loraine Stern. ,     -- Villard Books -- c1999. -- 24 cm. -- xiii,234 p.: ill.


タイトル American Academy of Pediatrics guide to your child’s nutrition
副書名 making peace at the table and building healthy eating habits for life
版情報 1st paperback ed.
著者名等 editors,William H.Dietz,Loraine Stern. ,    
出版 Villard Books c1999.
大きさ等 24 cm. xiii,234 p.: ill.
分類 498.55
注記 LCNo.98014955
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0375754873
書誌番号 1100050580


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