English and Italian. -- 3rd stereotype ed. --
compiled from the best and most recent English and Italian dictionaries and from the dictionaries of F.E.Feller.   -- Ditta G.B.Paravia e -- 〔19‐‐〕. -- 11 cm. -- 391 p.


タイトル New pocket‐dictionary of the English and Italian languages second part
各巻タイトル English and Italian.
版情報 3rd stereotype ed.
著者名等 compiled from the best and most recent English and Italian dictionaries and from the dictionaries of F.E.Feller.  
出版 Ditta G.B.Paravia e 〔19‐‐〕.
大きさ等 11 cm. 391 p.
分類 873
書誌番号 1101025799
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1101025799


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