New ed., thoroughly rev., and largely rewritten. -- Twentieth century text-book of history --
by Andrew C. McLaughlin   -- D. Appleton and Comp -- c1916. -- 20 cm. -- xvi, 575, xlv p. : illus. (incl. tables, facsims.) ports., maps (1fold.)


タイトル A history of the American nation
版情報 New ed., thoroughly rev., and largely rewritten.
シリーズ名 Twentieth century text-book of history
著者名等 by Andrew C. McLaughlin  
出版 D. Appleton and Comp c1916.
大きさ等 20 cm. xvi, 575, xlv p. : illus. (incl. tables, facsims.) ports., maps (1fold.)
分類 253
注記 LC:7305720
書誌番号 1102012695


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