Keihin Coastal Zone Redevelopment Division, Commerce, Industry and Labor Department Kanagawa Prefectural Government   -- Kanagawa Prefectural -- [2000.06] -- 30 × 84 cm. folded to 30 × 21 cm. -- 1 folded sheet (8 p.)


タイトル The Kanagawa Keihin Waterfront District industrial location guide
著者名等 Keihin Coastal Zone Redevelopment Division, Commerce, Industry and Labor Department Kanagawa Prefectural Government  
出版 Kanagawa Prefectural [2000.06]
大きさ等 30 × 84 cm. folded to 30 × 21 cm. 1 folded sheet (8 p.)
分類 518.8
注記 Published by Keihin Coastal Zone Redevelopment Division, Commerce, Industry and Labor Dept. Kanagawa Prefectural Govt.
書誌番号 1102041997


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