toward a less hazardous world in the 21st century : September 27 - October 3, 1990 Yokohama・Kagoshima. --
Exective organizations of IDNDR International Conference 1990 Japan -- [1991] -- 30 cm. -- viii, 137 p.


タイトル IDNDR International Conference 1990 Japan proceedings
副書名 toward a less hazardous world in the 21st century : September 27 - October 3, 1990 Yokohama・Kagoshima.
出版 Exective organizations of IDNDR International Conference 1990 Japan [1991]
大きさ等 30 cm. viii, 137 p.
分類 317.79
注記 Translation of : Kokusai  bousai no junen kokusai kaigi ronbunshu^.
注記 Subject : Emergency management.
書誌番号 1106001816


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