summary of commemorative projects. --
edited by 150th Anniversary of the Port Opening and Creative City Headquarters City of Yok   -- 150th Anniversary of the Port Opening & Creative City Headquaters, City of Yokoh -- 2008.1 -- 30 × 84 cm.(folded 30 × 21 cm.) -- 1 v.(4 occasions)


タイトル 150th anniversary of the opening of the Port of Yokohama
副書名 summary of commemorative projects.
著者名等 edited by 150th Anniversary of the Port Opening and Creative City Headquarters City of Yok  
出版 150th Anniversary of the Port Opening & Creative City Headquaters, City of Yokoh 2008.1
大きさ等 30 × 84 cm.(folded 30 × 21 cm.) 1 v.(4 occasions)
分類 318.7
注記 Title original : 横浜開港150周年[市政120周年]記念事業概要
注記 Subject : City planning - City of Yokohama - Japan.
内容 Happy birthday of the Port of Yokohama project -- Creation of a new charm of Yokohama and city management promotion project -- The citizenship and community’s potential project -- Next generation and human resources development project.
書誌番号 1108006975


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