NGOs and the political development on the Third World. -- 1st ed. -- Kumarian Press books on international development. --
by Julie Fisher.   -- Kumarian Press -- c1998 -- 23 cm. -- xii, 237 p.


タイトル Nongovernments
副書名 NGOs and the political development on the Third World.
版情報 1st ed.
シリーズ名 Kumarian Press books on international development.
著者名等 by Julie Fisher.  
出版 Kumarian Press c1998
大きさ等 23 cm. xii, 237 p.
分類 333.8
注記 LCNo.97014228
内容 NGOs, civil society and political development -- Government policies toward NGOs: political context and the growth of civil society -- The impact of NGOs on governments: the role of NGO autonomy -- Promoting democratization and sustainable development -- Subnational governments and NGOs -- Civil society, democracy and political development.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-1-56549-074-1   1-56549-074-6
書誌番号 1108013362


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