Avon Books pbk. ed. --
by Ray Bradbury.   -- HarperCollins Publishers -- 2003.1 -- 18 cm. -- xiii, 350 p.


タイトル One more for the road.
版情報 Avon Books pbk. ed.
著者名等 by Ray Bradbury.  
出版 HarperCollins Publishers 2003.1
大きさ等 18 cm. xiii, 350 p.
分類 933
注記 1st published in hardcover by William Morrow in April, 2002.
内容 First day -- Heart transplant -- Quid Pro Quo -- After the ball -- In Memoriam -- Te^te-`a-te^te -- The dragon danced at midnight -- Beasts -- Autumn afternoon -- Where all is emptiness there is room to move -- One-woman show -- The laurel and hardy alpha centauri farewell tour -- Leftovers -- One more for the road -- Tangerine -- With smiles as wide as summer -- Time interviewing -- The enemy in the wheat -- Fore -- My son, Max -- The F. Scott/ Tolstoy/ Ahab Accumulator -- more 4.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-06-103203-5   0-06-103203-4
書誌番号 1108038472
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1108038472


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