history of Japan’s international peace cooperation. --
edited by Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Cabinet Office.   -- Cabinet Office, Government of Japan -- [2008] -- 30 cm. -- 44 p.: col. ill.


タイトル Paths to peace 2008 ed.
副書名 history of Japan’s international peace cooperation.
著者名等 edited by Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Cabinet Office.  
出版 Cabinet Office, Government of Japan [2008]
大きさ等 30 cm. 44 p.: col. ill.
分類 319.8
注記 Subject : Peace.
内容 Overview -- Japan’s activities -- International peace cooperation assignments -- Contributions in kind -- Support system for field operations -- System of international peace cooperation program advisors.
書誌番号 1109016308
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1109016308


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