pictures of different people : a series of intensely personal portraits of unforgettable Japanese characters. -- 1st Tuttle ed. -- Tuttle classics --
Donald Richie   -- Tuttle Publishing -- 2006 -- 21 cm. -- xii, 233 p.


タイトル Japanese portraits
副書名 pictures of different people : a series of intensely personal portraits of unforgettable Japanese characters.
版情報 1st Tuttle ed.
シリーズ名 Tuttle classics
著者名等 Donald Richie  
出版 Tuttle Publishing 2006
大きさ等 21 cm. xii, 233 p.
分類 281.04
注記 “The original, unexpanded edition of this book was published by Kodansha International in 1987 in hardcover under the title Different people, and in paperback in 1991 as Geisha, gangster, neighbor, nun” -- T.p. verso ; “First edition, Different people : pictures of some Japanese, 1987 ; Second edition, Geisha, gangster, neighbor, nun : scenes from Japanese lives, 1991 ; Third edition, augmented and enlarged,
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-8048-3772-9   0-8048-3772-4
書誌番号 1111003499


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