with shopping guide --
Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and industry   -- The Yokohama trade review -- 1929.4 -- 19cm. -- 38 p.,: ill. folded maps.(col.)


タイトル New Yokohama
副書名 with shopping guide
著者名等 Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and industry  
出版 The Yokohama trade review 1929.4
大きさ等 19cm. 38 p.,: ill. folded maps.(col.)
分類 213.7
注記 with a folding case.
注記 Subject : Yokohama-shi(Japan).
内容 Contents : Synopsis of the Growth of Yokohama -- Reconstruction -- Future of Yokohama -- Plan to Reclaim Coast Line -- Yokohama Commercial and Industrial Museum -- Sights in the City -- Hisorical Objects in the Sankei-en Garden -- Shopping List.
書誌番号 1113029959
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1113029959


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