Jean-Francois Lyotard.   -- Polity Press -- 2013 -- 20 cm. -- viii,123 p.


タイトル Why philosophize
著者名等 Jean-Francois Lyotard.  
出版 Polity Press 2013
大きさ等 20 cm. viii,123 p.
分類 135.5
注記 First bublished in Pourquoi philosopher? (c) Presses Universitaires de France,2012.
注記 Subject : Philosophy -- Handbooks.
内容 Summary : Why Philosophize? is a series of lectures given by Jean-Francois Lyotard to students at the Sorbonne embarking on their university studies.The circumstances obliged him to be both clear and concise : at the same time,his lectures offer a profound and far-reaching meditation on how essential it is to philosophize in a world where philosophy often seems irrelevant,outdated,or inconclusive.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-7456-7073-7   0-7546-7073-
書誌番号 1113207016


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