how one thing leads to another : being an enquiry into the interplay of chance and necessity in the way that human culture,customs,institutions,cooperation and conflict arise --
Philip Ball.   -- Arrow Books -- 2005 -- 20 cm. -- xii,644 p.: ill., ports.


タイトル Critical mass
副書名 how one thing leads to another : being an enquiry into the interplay of chance and necessity in the way that human culture,customs,institutions,cooperation and conflict arise
著者名等 Philip Ball.  
出版 Arrow Books 2005
大きさ等 20 cm. xii,644 p.: ill., ports.
分類 304
注記 Subject : Sociology.
内容 Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-09-945786-2   0-09-945786-
書誌番号 1113230362


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