1st vintage books ed. --
Dexter Filkins.   -- Vintage Books -- 2009.6 -- 21 cm. -- x, 368 p., ill., map.


タイトル The forever war
版情報 1st vintage books ed.
著者名等 Dexter Filkins.  
出版 Vintage Books 2009.6
大きさ等 21 cm. x, 368 p., ill., map.
分類 302.271
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
注記 Subject : Iraq War, 2003-.
内容 Contents : Kabul, Afghanistan, september 1998 : Only this ; Forebodings (third world) ; Jang -- Baghdad, Iraq, march 2003 : Land of hope and sorrow ; I love you, march 2003 ; Gone forever (video ; the kiss) ; A hand in the air (blonde) ; A disease (the view from the air) ; The man within ; Kill yourself (the cloud ; mogadishu) ; Pearland (Habibi) ; The vanishing world (communique´s (1)) ; Just talking ; The Mahdi ; Proteus (your name ; communique´s(2)) ; The revolution devours its own (the normal) ; The labyrinth (the wall) ; Fuck us ; The boss ; The turning ; The departed
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-307-27944-6   0307279448
書誌番号 1113500312
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1113500312


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