stories -- 1st ed. 〔hbk.〕 --
John Murray.   -- HarperCollins -- c2003 -- 24 cm. -- 274 p.


タイトル A few short notes on tropical butterflies
副書名 stories
版情報 1st ed. 〔hbk.〕
著者名等 John Murray.  
出版 HarperCollins c2003
大きさ等 24 cm. 274 p.
分類 933
注記 LC Control No. 2002068883
内容 Contente : The hill station -- All the rivers in the world -- A few short notes on tropical butterflies -- White flour -- Watson and the shark -- The carpenter who looked like a boxer -- Blue -- Acts of memory, wisdom of man.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-06-050928-6   0-06-050928-7
書誌番号 1113592697


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