
タイトル The best American science fiction and fantasy 2018
シリーズ名 The best American series
著者名等 edited and with an introduction by N.K.Jemisin. , John Joseph Adams, series editor.  
出版 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt c2018
大きさ等 21 cm. xxi, 357 p.
分類 933
注記 OCLC No. 1057332999
内容 Contents : Rivers run free / Charles Payseur --Destroy the city with me tonight / Kate Alice Marshall -- You will always have family: a triptych / Kathleen Kayembe -- Justice systems in quantum parallel probabilities / Lettie Prell -- Loneliness is in your blood / Cadwell Turnbull -- Hermit of Houston / Samuel R. Delany -- last Cheng Beng gift / Jaymee Goh -- Brightened star, ascending dawn / A. Merc Rustad -- resident / Carmen Maria Machado -- greatest one-star restaurant in the whole quadrant / Rachael K. Jones -- Tasting notes on the varietals of the southern coast / Gwendolyn Clare -- Don't press charges and I won't sue / Charlie Jane Anders -- Church of birds / Micah Dean Hicks -- ZeroS / Peter Watts -- Carnival Nine / Caroline M. Yoachim -- wretched and the beautiful / E. Lily Yu -- orange tree / Maria Dahvana Headley -- Cannibal acts / Maureen McHugh -- Black powder / Maria Dahvana Headley -- Zen and the art of starship maintenance / Tobias S. Buckell.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-1-328-83456-0   1328834565
書誌番号 1113645939
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1113645939


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