two decades in postwar years, 1960-1979 481 waka. --
Edited with an introd. by Marie Philome`ne de los /Reyes., Translated by members of the Poetry Society of Japan and /others., Annotated by Kazuo /Tamura.,   ,     -- Hokuseido Press -- 1983.3. -- 22cm -- 235p


タイトル The new year′s poetry party at the Imperial Court
副書名 two decades in postwar years, 1960-1979 481 waka.
著者名等 Edited with an introd. by Marie Philome`ne de los /Reyes., Translated by members of the Poetry Society of Japan and /others., Annotated by Kazuo /Tamura.,   ,    
出版 Hokuseido Press 1983.3.
大きさ等 22cm 235p
分類 911.106
注記 日本語書名:英文新年歌会始
ISBN(13)、ISBN    4-590-00653-7
書誌番号 1190109587


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