being his own log-book, letters and dispatches with connecting narrative drawn from the Life of the Admiral by his son Hernando Colon and other contemporary historians -- Penguin classics --
edited and translated [from MSS] by J. M. Cohen.   -- Penguin Books -- 1969. -- 19 cm. -- 320 p.:maps.


タイトル The four voyages of Christopher Columbus
副書名 being his own log-book, letters and dispatches with connecting narrative drawn from the Life of the Admiral by his son Hernando Colon and other contemporary historians
シリーズ名 Penguin classics
著者名等 edited and translated [from MSS] by J. M. Cohen.  
出版 Penguin Books 1969.
大きさ等 19 cm. 320 p.:maps.
分類 289.3
個人件名 Columbus Christopher
注記 OCLC:00060892
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0140442170
書誌番号 1194006162


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