the troublesome reign of Tiberius Claudius Caesar, Emperor of the Romans (born 10 B.C., died A.D. 54), as described by himself, also his murder at the hands of the notorious Agrippina (mother of the Emperor Nero) and his subsequent deification, as described by others --
[by] Robert Graves.   -- Penguin Books -- 1976. -- 19 cm. -- 3-443 p.:geneal. table, map


タイトル Claudius the god and his wife Messalina
副書名 the troublesome reign of Tiberius Claudius Caesar, Emperor of the Romans (born 10 B.C., died A.D. 54), as described by himself, also his murder at the hands of the notorious Agrippina (mother of the Emperor Nero) and his subsequent deification, as described by others
著者名等 [by] Robert Graves.  
出版 Penguin Books 1976.
大きさ等 19 cm. 3-443 p.:geneal. table, map
分類 933
個人件名 Claudius.
注記 OCLC:02964384
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0140004211
書誌番号 1194007402


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