
タイトル William Shakespeare.
シリーズ名 Modern critical views
著者名等 edited, with an introduction, by Harold Bloom.  
出版 Chelsea House 1985.
大きさ等 25 cm. 209 p.
分類 932
個人件名 Shakespeare William.
注記 OCLC:11755688
内容 King Lear and the comedy of the grotesque / G. Wilson Knight -- Romeo and Juliet / Harold Goddard -- Interrogation, doubt, irony : thesis, antithesis, synthesis / Harry Levin -- Troilus and Cressida / A.P. Rossiter -- Othello : an introduction / Alvin B. Kernan -- Coriolanus and the delights of faction / Kenneth Burke -- My father as he slept : the traged
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0877546177
書誌番号 1194009037
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194009037


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