Penguin Books -- Penguin twentieth-century classics
E.M. Forster , edited by Oliver Stallybrass   -- Penguin Group. -- [1987?] -- 20 cm. -- 281 p.


タイトル The life to come, and other stories
シリーズ名 Penguin Books Penguin twentieth-century classics
著者名等 E.M. Forster , edited by Oliver Stallybrass  
出版 Penguin Group. [1987?]
大きさ等 20 cm. 281 p.
分類 933
注記 Subject : Great Britain - Social life and customs - 20th century - Fiction.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0140180842
書誌番号 1194022696


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タイトル 著者名 ページ
Albergo empedocle.
The purple envelope.
The helping hand.
The rock.
The life to come.
Dr. Woolacott.
Arthur Snatchfold.
The obelisk.
What does it matter? A morality.
The classical annex.
The torque.
The other boat.
Three courses and a dessert : being a new and gastronomic version of the old game of consequences.