anecdotes of the engagements & gallant deeds of the British Navy during the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria -- New ed./revised and brought down to the present time by G.A. Henty. --
by W.H.G. Kingston. ,     -- Griffith Farran -- [19--]. -- 19 cm. -- 348, 47 p.


タイトル Our sailors
副書名 anecdotes of the engagements & gallant deeds of the British Navy during the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria
版情報 New ed./revised and brought down to the present time by G.A. Henty.
著者名等 by W.H.G. Kingston. ,    
出版 Griffith Farran [19--].
大きさ等 19 cm. 348, 47 p.
分類 397.33
書誌番号 1194024415


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