or, the adventures of the Jewett family and their friend Oto Nambo --
by Edward Greey ... Cover designed and drawn by the author.   -- Lee and Shepard -- 1882. -- 23 cm. -- v-xiii, 372 p.:front., illus.


タイトル Young Americans in Japan
副書名 or, the adventures of the Jewett family and their friend Oto Nambo
著者名等 by Edward Greey ... Cover designed and drawn by the author.  
出版 Lee and Shepard 1882.
大きさ等 23 cm. v-xiii, 372 p.:front., illus.
分類 382.1
注記 OCLC:04296375
書誌番号 1194040741
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194040741


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