edited by Malcolm Gee.   -- Manchester Universit -- c1993. -- 23 cm. -- viii, 240 p.:ill.


タイトル Art criticism since 1900
著者名等 edited by Malcolm Gee.  
出版 Manchester Universit c1993.
大きさ等 23 cm. viii, 240 p.:ill.
分類 704
注記 OCLC:27068483
内容 The nature of twentieth-century art criticism / Malcolm Gee -- Walter Benjamin as art critic / David Carrier -- Critics on criticism : a critical approach / Dario Gamboni -- Essence, reference and truth-value : the epistemological dimension of the critical text / Ge´rard Mermoz -- Framing critics : the publishing context / Valerie Holman -- Andre´ Lhote : a
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0719037840
書誌番号 1194041388
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194041388


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