edited by J.H. Andrews and I.C. Tommerup. ,     -- Academic Press -- c1993. -- 24 cm. -- viii, 347 p.: ill.


タイトル Advances in plant pathology. 10
著者名等 edited by J.H. Andrews and I.C. Tommerup. ,    
出版 Academic Press c1993.
大きさ等 24 cm. viii, 347 p.: ill.
分類 615.81
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容 Introducing sushi -- equipment and utensils -- Sushi ingredients -- Sushi decorations -- Selecting sushi seafood -- Sushi fish cuts -- Cooking rice for sushi -- Prepairing cooked sushi rice for sushi -- Sushi and sashimi condiments -- Sashimi -- Nigiri sushi -- Sushi rolls -- Cone sushi rolls -- Tofu pouch sushi -- Sushi in bowl -- Vesitable sushi -- Soups -- Easy reference table for sushi servings -- Complete list of recipes.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-12-033710-1   0-12-033710-X
書誌番号 1194041723
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194041723


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中央 書庫 615.8/2/10(1993) 一般書 利用可 - 0006836763 iLisvirtual


タイトル 著者名 ページ
Role of oxygen radicals in plant disease development. by D.D. Tzeng and J.E. DeVay.
Molecular mechanisms of pathogen recognition by plants. by M.M. Atkinson.
Plant disease diagnosis: present status and future prospects. by M.A. Hansen and R.L. Wick.
The emergence of arabidopsis thaliana as a model for plant-pathogen  interactions. by J.L. Dangl.
Population structure of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria. by H. Leung, R.J. Nelson and J.E. Leach.
How do we identify and classify fungal plant pathogens in the era of DNA analysis. by D.J. Maclean...[et al.]
Ecology of root infecting pathogenic fungi in mediterranean environments. by K. Sivasithamparam.
The genetic complexity of fungal resistance genes in plants. by T. Pryor and J. Ellis.
The nature and generation of systemic signals induced by pathogens, arthropod herbivores, and wounds. by R. Hammerschmidt.