Summary records of the meetings of the eleventh to the sixteenth sessions (20 October 1980 - 30 July 1982). --
United Nations. Human Rights Committee.   -- United Nations. -- 1989. -- 30 cm. -- xii, 405 p.


タイトル Yearbook of the Human Rights Committee. 1981-1982, volume 1.
各巻タイトル Summary records of the meetings of the eleventh to the sixteenth sessions (20 October 1980 - 30 July 1982).
著者名等 United Nations. Human Rights Committee.  
出版 United Nations. 1989.
大きさ等 30 cm. xii, 405 p.
分類 316.1
注記 ”CCPR/3, sales no. E.87.XIV.1.”
ISBN(13)、ISBN    9211540623
書誌番号 1194079364


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