Melville Goodwin, USA / By John P. Marquand -- The cruel sea / by Nicholas Monsarrat -- A genius in the family / by Hiram Percy Maxim -- Monarch of Goddess Island : condensed from The plunderers / by Georges Blond -- To catch a thief / By David Dodge. -- 1st ed. --
Marquand,John P.(1893-1960) , Monsarrat,Nicholas.(1910-) , Maxim,Hiram Percy.(1869-1936) , Blond,Georges.(1906-) , Dodge,David.(1910-) , To catch a thief.   -- Reader’s Digest Asso -- c1951. -- 20 cm. -- 502 p.:ill.


タイトル Reader’s digest condensed books. Winter 1952 selections
各巻タイトル Melville Goodwin, USA / By John P. Marquand -- The cruel sea / by Nicholas Monsarrat -- A genius in the family / by Hiram Percy Maxim -- Monarch of Goddess Island : condensed from The plunderers / by Georges Blond -- To catch a thief / By David Dodge.
版情報 1st ed.
著者名等 Marquand,John P.(1893-1960) , Monsarrat,Nicholas.(1910-) , Maxim,Hiram Percy.(1869-1936) , Blond,Georges.(1906-) , Dodge,David.(1910-) , To catch a thief.  
出版 Reader’s Digest Asso c1951.
大きさ等 20 cm. 502 p.:ill.
分類 053
注記 OCLC:09025182-Winter 1952 selections
書誌番号 1195014582


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