forest products,1981-1992 = FAO annuaire : produits forestiers,1981-1992 = FAO anuario : productos forestales,1981-1992. -- FAO forestry series = Collection FAO: Fore^ts = Coleccio´n FAO: Montes -- FAO statistics series = Collection FAO: Statistiques = Coleccio´n FAO: Estadistica
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.   -- Food and Agriculture -- [c1994] -- 30 cm. -- xlii, 336 p.


タイトル FAO yearbook 1981-1992
副書名 forest products,1981-1992 = FAO annuaire : produits forestiers,1981-1992 = FAO anuario : productos forestales,1981-1992.
シリーズ名 FAO forestry series = Collection FAO: Fore^ts = Coleccio´n FAO: Montes FAO statistics series = Collection FAO: Statistiques = Coleccio´n FAO: Estadistica
著者名等 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  
出版 Food and Agriculture [c1994]
大きさ等 30 cm. xlii, 336 p.
分類 650.59
注記 ISSN 0084-3768
ISBN(13)、ISBN    9250034806
書誌番号 1195051179


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