a study in present day social and religious problems -- The Fondren lectures. 1922. -- The Fondren lectures for 1922
by Sherwood Eddy.   -- George H. Doran Comp -- c1922. -- 19 cm. -- xii, 241 p.


タイトル Facing the crisis
副書名 a study in present day social and religious problems
シリーズ名 The Fondren lectures. 1922. The Fondren lectures for 1922
著者名等 by Sherwood Eddy.  
出版 George H. Doran Comp c1922.
大きさ等 19 cm. xii, 241 p.
分類 161
注記 OCLC:00485657
書誌番号 1196008276
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1196008276


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