Kodansha English library -- 講談社英語文庫
retold by Stuart A.Atkin. , illustrations by Setsuko Mashima.   -- Kodansha Internation -- 1997.05 -- 15 cm. -- 118 p.


タイトル Once upon a time in England
シリーズ名 Kodansha English library 講談社英語文庫
著者名等 retold by Stuart A.Atkin. , illustrations by Setsuko Mashima.  
出版 Kodansha Internation 1997.05
大きさ等 15 cm. 118 p.
分類 388.33
内容 Contents:Jack and beanstalk/Nothing is stronger than me/The three little pigs/The three wishes/The story of Tom Thumb/The hunter/Goldiocks and the three bears/The wise men of Gotham/Dick Whittington and his cat/Lazy Jack/Notes
ISBN(13)、ISBN    4-7700-2254-9
書誌番号 1197036940
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1197036940


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タイトル 著者名 ページ
Jack and beanstalk
Nothing is stronger than me
The three little pigs
The three wishes
The story of tom thumb
The hunter
Goldiocks and the three bears
The wise men of gotham
Dick Whittington and his cat
Lazy jack
Jack and beanstalk
Nothing is stronger than me
The three little pigs
The three wishes
The story of Tom Thumb
The hunter
Goldiocks and the three bears
The wise men of Gotham
Dick Whittington and his cat
Lazy Jack