insights into the multicultural workplace -- 1st paperback ed. --
Robert M. March.   -- Kodansha Internation -- 1996. -- 19 cm. -- 247 p.:ill.


タイトル Working for a Japanese company
副書名 insights into the multicultural workplace
版情報 1st paperback ed.
著者名等 Robert M. March.  
出版 Kodansha Internation 1996.
大きさ等 19 cm. 247 p.:ill.
分類 336.1
注記 OCLC:25632188
内容 Contents:A brief history -- Cross-cultural relations and the Japanese psyche -- First encounters: pleasure and pain -- Getting along with colleagues and bosses -- Communicating within the company -- Recruitment and status of the foreign employee -- Unequal treatment or a difference of perception? -- The foreign employee in a management role -- Division an
ISBN(13)、ISBN    4770020856
書誌番号 1197076270


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