Collected African stories --
Doris Lessing.   -- Flamingo -- 1994. -- 20 cm. -- 378 p.


タイトル The sun between their feet
シリーズ名 Collected African stories
著者名等 Doris Lessing.  
出版 Flamingo 1994.
大きさ等 20 cm. 378 p.
分類 933
注記 ”A Flamingo Modern Classic”
内容 Spies I Have Known -- The Story of a Non-Marrying Man -- The Black Madonna -- The Trinket Box -- The Pig -- Traitors -- The Words He Said -- Lucy Grange -- A Mild Attack of Locusts -- Flavours of Exile -- Getting off the Altitude -- A Road to the Big City -- Plants and Girls -- Flight -- The Sun Between Their Feet -- The Story of Two Dogs -- The New Man -
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0006545432
書誌番号 1199053453


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