〔Reissued ed.〕 -- Puffin classics --
Rudyard Kipling , illustrated by the author.   -- Puffin Books -- 1994. -- 20 cm. -- 204 p.: ill.


タイトル Just so stories
版情報 〔Reissued ed.〕
シリーズ名 Puffin classics
著者名等 Rudyard Kipling , illustrated by the author.  
出版 Puffin Books 1994.
大きさ等 20 cm. 204 p.: ill.
分類 933
注記 Subject:Children’s stories,English.
内容 How the whale got his throat ‐‐ How the camel got his hump ‐‐ How the rhinoceros got his skin ‐‐ How the leopard got his spots ‐‐ The elephant’s child ‐‐ The sing‐song of old man kangaroo ‐‐ The beginning of the armadillos ‐‐ How the first letter was written ‐‐ How the alphabet was made ‐‐ The crab that played with the sea ‐‐ The cat that walked by himsel
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0140367020
書誌番号 1199067869
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1199067869


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